kil ripkin

Kil Ripkin & Jah Freedom feat. Supreme "Train"

Alright………All of this new music from Jah Freedom + Kil Ripkin is FINALLY about to drop - the album is all wrapped up & turned in (& the release date will be announced very soon)!!!
The guys have dropped “Train” featuring Supreme today to get everyone ready!!!

Check it out below.

Upcoming Releases from Lord Jah-Monte Ogbon & Kil Ripkin

I’m super stoked that we’ve just wrapped up 2 really great Hip-Hop projects this week!

We finished “Beautifully Black", a 11-track release with Lord Jah-Monte Ogbon and Navy Blue on production. The stripped back, jazzy chops support Jah-Monte’s voice perfectly & features guest spots from MESSIAH! & more.
This album will be available for streaming on all the standard streaming platforms in a few weeks……..with a vinyl release following soon behind! Seriously, many of y’all will already know, but this guy is so prolific right now - he won’t slow down!!! It’s been pretty inspiring to watch what’s been happening over the past few years for him & his team.
You can check out previous releases from Jah-Monte here & Navy Blue here.

”Self Medicate” from Kil Ripkin is a 10-track album with production from Jah Freedom & features from Skyzoo, Torae & more. Tbh, we finished “Self Medicate” just before the pandemic shut everything down. Of course it became clear really fast that Kil & Jah would have to put things on pause while they figured out how to deal with the situation (like everyone else). Soooooo, when we were not as busy at the studio, I decided to completely remix the album while we waited for the best time to release it. I think it turned out amazing & it’s finally time to let it out!!!
Check some previous releases from Kil Ripkin here & Jah Freedom here.

It’s worth noting that both of these projects feature the artist with a singular producer. It really keeps the vision unified & cohesive throughout the respective album (and not this disjointed “compilation-sound” when the tracks are coming from everywhere).
I feel like there’s a natural flow that is is just THERE on projects like this.